Bearded Dragon Graphics and Information

  • Bearded Dragon Tips & Advice

    I hope this advice helps! 💜 • I would make sure to not use hammock for a basking spot and use more of a solid platform. Hammocks cannot hold enoug...
  • Bearded Dragon Upper Respiratory Infection Graphic

    This graphic is to talk about upper respiratory infections (URI) and how serious they are. Too much humidity in enclosure can cause bacteria to bui...
  • Bearded Dragon Shed Graphic

    This graphic is to explain a healthy and non healthy shed. Stuck shed can happen if the humidity is not right meaning poor husbandry. Stuck shed ca...
  • Bearded Dragon Unsafe Substrate Graphic

    This graphic is to show the unsafe substrates that should not be used no matter what. We have actually had an incident where a Bearded Dragon got c...
  • Bearded Dragon Safe Substrate Graphic (Click “See More” to see both graphics)

    This graphic is to show the safe substrates that can be used in an enclosure. There has not been enough studies to see if anything adhesive is safe...
  • Bearded Dragon Red Light Graphic

    This is a graphic to show that if your temps in your house is above 60-65 degrees at night, you don’t need a heat bulb. Actually a drop in temp is ...
  • Bearded Dragon Hydration & Refuses Greens Graphic

    This graphic is to help if your Bearded Dragon is not wanting greens. Both babies and adults should have greens every ESPECIALLY adults. Greens are...
  • Bearded Dragon Toxic Graphic

    This graphic is to show you what is Toxic to Bearded Dragons. 
  • Bearded Dragon Power Outage Graphic

    This graphic is to show you what you can do when your power goes out!
  • Bearded Dragon Nail Trim Graphic

    This graphic explains how to trim a Bearded Dragons nail. Watch closely and try not to quick him. They don’t need their nails too long or too short...
  • Brumation Graphic

    Why is my bearded dragon sleeping, acting Lethargic, not eating, and hiding? These are common symptoms of brumation along with parasites and other...
  • Metabolic Bone Disease Graphics (Click “Read more” to see more graphics on MBD)

    This graphic shows what MBD is and how bad it can get. Without having the proper UVB, your Bearded Dragon will eventually get MBD. This disease is ...